Thursday, May 30

Principles of Design

Composition is about visual organisation.
The way an artist composes or combines the elements of the work to give clarity and order to their ideas.
The way our eyes are guided around the artwork.
With Unity, the elements of the artwork go together to form a oneness, a wholeness, which satisfies the eye.
It is involved with and governed by the principles of design.


Proportion is the relationship between sizes
The feeling of unity created when all parts (sizes, amounts, or relate well with each other.
The warping or normal proportions to suggest emotions or affect the status of a subject.

Balance is the distribution of elements in a work of art.
The control of the elements in attracting attention, which must be evenly or unevenly spread over the area; interesting throughout the art work, without being static or chaotic.
Symmetrical balance, the elements used on one side of the design are similar to those on the other side
Asymmetrical balance , the sides are different but still look balanced.
Radial balance, the elements are arranged around a central
point and may be similar.

Repetition is the use of similar or connected pictorial elements, whether regular or irregular, more than once in the artwork.
Radiation, the repeated elements spread out from a central point.
Gradation, the repeated elements slowly become smaller or larger.
Rhythm is the rate the eye moves throughout the work of art.
This is usually because the eye moves, jumps or slides from one similar element to another in a way similar to music.

DominanceDominance is the focus given to a part of an artwork.
Helps to create Unity as the eye is focuses on a key point around the image by pictorial elements.
Created by contrasting pictorial elements such as line, shape, tone, texture, direction, size or colour.

HarmonyHamony is the pictorial elements of the same type that “go” together.
Made where the eye is used to seeing objects together, so they form a group.
Create feelings, similar elements (calm and pleasing) while contrasting elements (energy, vitality, tension or anger).

Contrast is the pictorial elements that stand out because they are dissimilar.
Made by putting objects together that do not normally “go” together and therefore make each other stand out more, than they would separately.
Gives variety and makes the elements more lively.

Unity is the sense of oneness, of things belonging together and making up a coherent whole.
Done by repeating elements, overlapping shapes and directing the eye of the viewer around the work from one similar element to the next or along a line or shape.
The eye is directed by the principles of design and composition so that the artwork has Unity.
The main function or job of the principles is to organise the elements into a unified artwork.

Variety gives an artwork interest and vitality, as the elements are repeated with enough change or difference to enhance each other.
It is the contrast and harmony work together to give unity.
Too much leads to confusion and disunity. Too little leads to boredom.
