Friday, June 21


The final project of the course is to produce an artwork under the theme "Technology and it's Effects on Humans". These are the sketches that I have done based on the topic.

Sketch One: Time
During the ancient times, people look at stars to tell the dates. It then evolved to a sun clock whereby the shadow of the stick is used to tell the time of day. The evolution continued to an analog clock, a watch, a digital clock and now, we even have holographic clocks. I was going to design an abstract based on this concept of time evolution.

 Sketch Two: Distance
Telecommunication has improved our living standards as we are able to now freely communicate with people all over the world regardless of the distance. Through technology, families and friends can continue to maintain a close relationship with one another.

Sketch Three: Marriage to Siri
Siri is an iPhone App that Steve Jobs has brought into the world of telecommunication. This man has a great vision which was to change the way people use phones. He succeeded in his evolution of touchscreen phones which replaced the button-phones and now he has done it again with Siri. The concept I had in mind was the obsession of people nowadays with their gadgets that they can just live with the gadget as a live partner, in this case, literally.

 Sketch Four: Princess
For this sketch, I was thinking more towards the contrast between the historical times whereby beauty was free and innocent, and now everything is controlled and robotic. The half on the left shows a princess-like side of the girl but the right side is robotic and firm. My concept was how different people have become because of technology. You would never see girls in suits back in the days, especially when females did not have equal rights as males.
Sketch Five: Weight
This is the sketch chosen for this project. It is based on the society's concept of "beauty", and how unfairly people look at a person, just because of their weight. On the left is a woman who is overweight and sad. On the right is a woman who is fit and confident. Even though they both have the same hair, eyes and even wear the same clothes, society will never treat them the same. I plan to put backgrounds which will portray my meaning more in depth so stay tune for the result!